I have installed the editor named Drivel for blogspot, but how to use this editor is a problem for me, so, this just is a test log
昨天刚在笔记本上安装Ubuntu 8.04,按照步骤安装了apt的mysql数据库,然后将现有的开发数据库导入(基于UTF-8),发现浏览的时候出现乱码现象,所以解决办法:
1 确认Mysql的编码
mysql>show variables like 'character%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| character_set_client | latin1 |
| character_set_connection | latin1 |
| character_set_database | utf8 |
| character_set_filesystem | binary |
| character_set_results | utf8 |
| character_set_server | latin1 |
| character_set_system | utf8 |
| character_sets_dir | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ |
2 找到mysql的配置文件,修改/etc/mysql/my.cnf
sudo gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf
在my.cnf文件中的[client]段和 [mysqld]段加上以下两行内容:
3 需要重启mysql服务
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart
4 查看一下现在mysql的编码
sudo mysql -u root -p
mysql>show variables like 'character%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| character_set_client | utf8 |
| character_set_connection | utf8 |
| character_set_database | utf8 |
| character_set_filesystem | binary |
| character_set_results | utf8|
| character_set_server | utf8 |
| character_set_system | utf8 |
| character_sets_dir | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ |
5 编码正确,由于刚才导库的时候是基于错误编码的基础上作的,所以,会有编码的问题,因此,删除刚才导入的数据库,重新导入,打开页面,OK!
macchanger 和 ifconfig [interface] hw ether [MAC] 的功能一樣, 可以變更網路卡卡號,
但並不是實體地修改卡號, 重開機後仍會回復, 嚴格說起來是可以設定網路卡卡號.
另外一個好用功能是可以查詢 vendor
查詢本機 eth0
# macchanger -s eth0
Current MAC: 00:02:b3:9b:b9:ba (Intel Corporation)
查詢 00:e0:4c 開頭是那一家做的
# macchanger -l | grep 00:e0:4c
7079 - 00:e0:4c - Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
列出 D-Link 的 MAC list
# macchanger --list=D-Link
Misc MACs:
Num MAC Vendor
--- --- ------
Wireless MACs:
Num MAC Vendor
--- --- ------
0012 - 00:05:5d - D-Link DWL-650, DWL-650H
0013 - 00:06:25 - Linksys WPC11 v2.5, D-Link DCF-650W, Linksys WPC11 v3
# macchanger --list=D-link
Misc MACs:
Num MAC Vendor
--- --- ------
1374 - 00:05:5d - D-link Systems, Inc.
3426 - 00:0d:88 - D-link Corporation
3863 - 00:0f:3d - D-link Corporation
5340 - 00:50:ba - D-link
5862 - 00:80:c8 - D-link Systems, Inc.
Wireless MACs:
Num MAC Vendor
--- --- ------
指定 keyword 大小寫有差, 資料檔 /usr/local/share/macchanger/OUI.list 的內容, 大小寫並沒有統一,
還是用 macchanger -l | grep -i keyword 比較實用
* 主(Master): 将要通过svnsync被同步的活动读/写版本库。
* 镜像(Mirror): 将要与master通过svnsync同步的只读版本库。
Step 1: 创建镜像Repository
svnadmin create MIRROR_REPO_PATH
Step 2: 设置镜像版本库只对同步用户可写
* = r
svnsync = rw #MIRROR_REPO_USER
Step 3: 让镜像版本库使用同步用户修改修订版本属性
if [ "$USER" = "MIRROR_REPO_USER" ]; then exit 0; fi
echo “Only the syncuser user may change revision properties as this is a read-only, mirror repository.” >&2
exit 1
Step 4: 注册同步的镜像版本库
Copied properties for revision 0.
Step 5: 执行初始同步
svnsync synchronize URL_TO_MIRROR_REPO --username=MASTER_REPO_USER --password=MASTER_REPO_PASSWD
Committed revision 1.
Copied properties for revision 1.
Committed revision 2.
Copied properties for revision 2.
Committed revision 3.
Copied properties for revision 3.
不过在这里可能会出现 “svnsync: Couldn't get lock on destination repos after 10 attempts”类似的报错,你需要手动清除lock
svn pdel --revprop -r 0 svn:sync-lock --username=MIRROR_REPO_USER URL_TO_MIRROR_REPO
Step 6: 使用post-commit钩子自动同步
# Example for synchronizing one repository from the post-commit hook
$SVNSYNC synchronize URL_TO_MIRROR_REPO –username=svnsync –password=svnsyncpassword &
exit 0
if 和 switch 语句效率比较
在 switch 语句中条件只求值一次并用来和每个 case 语句比较。在 elseif 语句中条件会再次求值。如果条件比一个简单的比较要复杂得多或者在一个很多次的循环中,那么用 switch 语句可能会快一些。
以上为 php 手册在叙述 switch 中的一句,该怎么理解呢?
if ($noizy==1) {
echo "noizy1";
} elseif ($noizy==2) {
echo "noizy2";
} elseif ($noizy==3) {
echo "noizy3";
以上是 if 代码的一个片段,在最差的状况下,也就是当 $noizy = 3 时,共运行了3次比较,而且,每次比较都必须取出 $noizy 的值一次。如果换成 switch
switch ($noizy) {
case 1:
echo "1";
case 2:
echo "2";
case 3:
echo "3";
只在开头 switch 的括号中取出 $noizy 的值,然后把值与case值逐一进行比较
1.当只进行一次比较时,推荐使用 if,原因很简单,此时 if 与 switch 没有本质区别,而用 if 代码较为简洁,省去多余字节,可乐而不为?
2.当多次纯粹的比较数字或字符时,推荐使用 switch,当进行N次比较,switch 只取值一次,而 if …… elseif 则取值 1 <= x <= N (x 为实际次数)。
3.当遇到复合条件时,应该视情况而灵活运用 if 与 switch。
可以打开新立得搜索 scrot 并安装,也可以在终端:
sudo apt-get install scrot
Scrot 使用:
scrot [options] [file]
scrot 是一个使用 imlib2 库截取屏幕和保存图像的的工具。
选项 [file] 指定截图保存的文件名。 如果 [file] 没有指定,
-h, --help
-v, --version
-b, --border
-c, --count
-d, --delay NUM
延时 NUM 秒
-e, --exec APP
对保存的图像执行程序 APP
-q, --quality NUM
图像质量 (1-100) 值大意味着文件大, 压缩率低。
-m, --multidisp
-s, --select
-t, --thumb NUM
同时生成缩略图。 NUM 是缩略图的百分比。
--exec 和 文件名可以使用可以被 scrot 扩充的格式说明符。有两种类型的
说明符。 '%' 前导的说明符由 strfile(2) 来解释。例程可以查看 strftile
手册。这些选项用来引用当前的日期。第二种说明符由 scort 内部解释并且
使用前缀 '$'. 可以识别的说明符如下:
$f 图像的路径/文件名 (如果在文件名中就会忽略)
$n 图像文件名 (如果在文件名中会被忽略)
$s 图像大小(字节数) (如果在文件名会被忽略)
$p 图像像素大小
$w 图像宽度
$h 图像高度
$t 图像格式
$ 打印字符 'n 打印新行 (如果在文件名中会被忽略)
例子(~ 用户主目录):
scrot ~/abc.png
2、抓取窗口,b 参数表示带边框窗体,s 用户可以指定窗口:
scrot -bs ~/abc.png
scrot -s ~/abc.png
4、延时抓取,d 表示延时,c 倒计时,10 是秒,抓菜单等其他东西时很好用:
scrot -cd 10 ~/abc.png
5、生成缩略图,t 表示要生成缩略图, 20% 表示缩略图的比例, s 表示截取用户划定区域:
scrot -t 20% -s ~/abc.png
6、启用某项操作 s 划定截图,-e 采用某项行为,这里用 gimp 打开截图图片,
scrot -s ~/abc.png -e 'gimp $f'
agave (龙舌兰)
sudo apt-get install agave
Network tools in ubuntu
sudo apt-get install Wireshark
如果你想打开Wireshark,可以打开Applications(应用程序)―>Internet(互联网)―> Wireshark
EtherApe是Unix系统中的一个图形界面的网络监视器,能够以图形方式显示网络活动。主机和链接通信量的大小可以动态显示。它支持Ethernet、 FDDI、 Token Ring、ISDN、 PPP 、 SLIP等网络类型的设备。它可以过滤显示的通信,并能够从一个文件中读取通信数据,也可以从网络中读取动态数据。
sudo apt-get install etherape
sudo apt-get install ethstatus
Install Flex builder in Ubuntu 8.0.4
The blog that follow use a ubuntu 8.04 computer
1 install jre
#sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
#sudo update-alternatives --config java
There are 2 alternatives which provide `java'.
Selection Alternative
1 /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.1
*+ 2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java
Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number:
choice 2
#sudo gedit /etc/environment
add the following 2 lines:
#sudo gedit /etc/jvm
put the following to the top of this document
2 download flexbuilder_linux_install_a4_081408.bin and pdt-all-in-one-linux-gtk-1.0.3.tar.gz
Note:The version of eclipase must great than 3.2, so do not install it use
#sudo apt-get install eclipse
3 install flex builder
# ./flexbuilder_linux_install_a4_081408.bin
The solution without libgtk when install uplink in ubuntu
When I installed the linux game Uplink, There was an error:
edwin@edwin-desktop:~/Desktop$ sh ./uplink-demo-1.54.sh
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Uplink demo 1.54DEMO...........................................................................................
/home/edwin/.setup10083: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So, I install the following:
sudo apt-get install libgtk1.2
sudo apt-get install libgpm1
Ubuntu Studio
酷炫的Ubuntu Studio主题套件
sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-themeubuntustudio-icon-theme ubuntustudio-gdm-theme ubuntustudio-wallpapers usplash-theme-ubuntustudio
点击 Download,然后把需要的软件包下载下来吧!
Software versioning
1、V(Version):即版本,通常用数字表示版本号。(如:EVEREST Ultimate v4.20.1188 Beta)
2、Build:用数字或日期标示版本号的一种方式。(如:VeryCD eMule v0.48a Build 071112)
3、SP:Service Pack,升级包。(如:Windows XP SP 2/Vista SP 1)
1、Alpha 版:内测版,内部交流或者专业测试人员测试用。Bug较多,普通用户最好不要安装。
2、Beta 版:公测版,专业爱好者大规模测试用,存在一些缺陷,该版本也不适合一般用户安装。
3、Gamma 版:相当成熟的测试版,与即将发行的正式版相差无几。
4、RC版:Release Candidate 候选版本,处于Gamma阶段。从Alpha到Beta再到Gamma是改进的先后关系,但RC1、RC2往往是取舍关系。
1、SC:Simplified Chinese 简体中文版。
3、TC:Traditional Chinese 繁体中文版。
5、UTF8:Unicode Transformation Format 8 bit,对现有的中文系统不是好的解决方案。
Developing Product based on the SVN
Repository Layout
We create a trunk directory to hold the “main line” of development, a branches directory to contain branch copies, and a tags directory to contain tag copies.These top-level directories is :

1. trunk
The porpose of trunk is for branching, tagging, and merging the source code.
2. branches
Branch , a line of development that exists independently of another line, it always begins life as a copy of trunk's at sometime, and moves on from there, generating its own history.
Type A: maintainable branches for released version
Type B: feature-developing branches for new requirement
3. tags
A tag is just a “snapshot” of a project in time.The aim of tags to save the stable release version of product, there is an new maintainable branch should be build at the same time, just for the patch and issue solution
Singleton pattern in PHP 5
1类别: 创建型设计模式
2意图: 确保一个类只有一个实例,而且自行向整个系统提供这一个实例(类本身提供一个实例的全局访问点)
class Singleton {
// 用静态变量来存储signleton的实例
private static $_instance;
// 私有的构造器阻止New
private function __construct() {
// 避免除了New外,用户可以通过clone和序列化来获得多个singleton的实例
public function __clone() {
trigger_error('Clone is not allowed.', E_USER_ERROR);
public function __wakeup() {
trigger_error('Deserializing is not allowed.', E_USER_ERROR);
//用layz load 的方法,获得唯一实例
public static function getInstance() {
if (!self::$instance instanceof self) {
self::$instance = new self;
return self::$instance;
public function doAction() {
更多: http://www.tonymarston.net/php-mysql/singleton.html
How to publish source code in Blogger.com
Wordpress有许多代码语法高亮插件可以便捷地展示源代码,但是Blogspot我还发现此类的应用。不过我们可以让google prettify code为Blogspot着色代码。
google prettify code是一个轻量级的Javascript模块通过CSS文件对代码进行上色处理,支持C、Java、PHP、Python、HTMLl和Javascript等十几种语言。让我们动手吧。
1.进入Blogspot控制台 –>布局 –>修改HTML
在head区调用google prettify code的Javascript和CSS文件:
<link href="http://google-code-prettify.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/prettify.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<script src="http://google-code-prettify.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/prettify.js" type="text/javascript"/>
pre {
margin: 5px 20px;
border: 1px dashed #666;
padding: 5px;
background: #f8f8f8;
white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */
white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */
white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */
word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */
<pre class="”prettyprint”">your code
Gnome Keyboard Shortcuts
Tired of using your mouse so much? Did you know that Gnome has keyboard shortcuts for just about everything you can do with a mouse? Here's a list of the various shortcuts on both platforms.
General Shortcut Keys
Alt + F1 | Opens the Applicantions Menu . |
Alt + F2 | Displays the Run Application dialog. |
Print Screen | Takes a screenshot. |
Alt + Print Screen | Takes a screenshot of the window that has focus. |
Ctrl + Alt + right arrow | Switches to the workspace to the right of the current workspace. |
Ctrl + Alt + left arrow | Switches to the workspace to the left of the current workspace. |
Ctrl + Alt + up arrow | Switches to the workspace above the current workspace. |
Ctrl + Alt + down arrow | Switches to the workspace below the current workspace. |
Ctrl + Alt + d | Minimizes all windows, and gives focus to the desktop. |
F1 | Starts the online help browser, and displays appropriate online Help. |
Window Shortcut Keys
Alt + Tab | Switches between windows. When you use these shortcut keys, a list of windows that you can select is displayed. Release the keys to select a window. |
Alt + Esc | Switches between windows in reverse order. Release the keys to select a window. |
F10 | Opens the first menu on the left side of the menubar. |
Alt + spacebar | Opens the Window Menu . |
Arrow keys | Moves the focus between items in a menu. |
Return | Chooses a menu item. |
Esc | Closes an open menu. |
Ctrl + Alt + right arrow | Switches to the workspace to the right of the current workspace. |
Ctrl + Alt + left arrow | Switches to the workspace to the left of the current workspace. |
Ctrl + Alt + up arrow | Switches to the workspace above the current workspace. |
Ctrl + Alt + down arrow | Switches to the workspace below the current workspace. |
Ctrl + Alt + d | Minimizes all windows, and gives focus to the desktop. |
Panel Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + Alt + Tab | Switches the focus between the panels and the desktop. When you use these shortcut keys, a list of items that you can select is displayed. Release the keys to select an item. |
Ctrl + Alt + Esc | Switches the focus between the panels and the desktop. Release the keys to select an item. |
Ctrl + F10 | Opens the popup menu for the selected panel. |
Tab | Switches the focus between objects on a panel. |
Return | Chooses the selected panel object or menu item. |
Shift + F10 | Opens the popup menu for the selected panel object. |
Arrow keys | Moves the focus between items in a menu. Moves the focus between interface items in an applet also. |
Esc | Closes an open menu. |
F10 | Opens the Applications menu from the Menu Bar , if the Menu Bar is in a panel. |
Application Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Keys | Command |
Ctrl + N | New |
Ctrl + X | Cut |
Ctrl + C | Copy |
Ctrl + V | Paste |
Ctrl + Z | Undo |
Ctrl + S | Save |
Ctrl + Q | Quit |
Update Error of linux-image on Ubuntu 8.04
When you install new update package named
Linux image 2.6.24-19-generic (版本 2.6.24-19.34)
(Linux kernel image for version 2.6.24 on x86/x86_64.)
, there an error :
/var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic_2.6.24-19.43_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic' before installing new version
Open a terminal, then execute the following command:sudo rm -fv /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24*.bak
sudo rm -fv /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic
sudo rm -fv /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic
sudo rm -fv /boot/config-2.6.24-19-generic
sudo rm -fv /boot/abi-2.6.24-19-generic
sudo rm -fv /boot/System.map-2.6.24-19-generic
Next:If you can see the future, you can save it
Cris (Nicholas Cage) has the power to see 2 minutes into the future, and works as a magician in Las Vegas with this talent, along with some moderate amount of sleight of hand. He notes however, that by the nature of seeing the future, every time he views it, it then changes. His ability is an innate talent he does not understand, but for a long time, Cris has been seeing a vision of a woman walking into a diner, far more than two minutes in his future. He knows the woman in his vision will arrive at 8:09, but does not know what day or if it is AM or PM, so he has been going to this diner twice a day every day to meet her and find out why he can see her farther than two minutes in the future. After drawing the suspicion of a Las Vegas casino by winning ten thousand dollars in a series of small, coincidental hands, Cage slips by their frustrated security, thwarting a robbery on his way out. The following day, after evading the FBI (that is attempting to bring him in to help with an anti-terror investigation), Cris finally sees Liz (Jessica Biel), the woman from his dream. After attempting to introduce himself repeatedly--each time seeing his advance fall flat, then changing his actions and thus the future--he charms her enough to get a ride from her to Flagstaff, Arizona. Cris is, of course, not headed there, but, thanks to his future sight, knows she is. When a road is washed out, they are forced to stay at a hotel on the edge of a cliff.
Agent Farris tracks them and assembles a large team to bring Cris in. The terrorists, who have been watching the FBI, also follow, hoping to kill Cris before he can help the authorities. Agent Farris confronts Liz while she is walking near the hotel and persuades her to drug Cris so that they can bring him in peacefully. Instead, Liz warns Cris, who tells her about his secret. When she asks why he will not help the FBI stop the terrorists, he tells her about the limitations of his ability. He can only see his future, and only two minutes in the future, but that he can see much further on matters concerning her. When Cris tries to escape, he is arrested, and the terrorists kidnap Liz.
In custody, Cris is strapped to a chair with his eyes held open and forced to watch television until he can have a vision that helps the FBI. When he sees a report of Liz being strapped with explosives and blown up, Agent Farris promises to help save her as long as Cris will help her.
Cris uses his future visions to find the terrorists and lead a tactical team on a raid to stop them. When they arrive, Cris is able to walk right up to the terrorist leader by seeing where the bullets will go and dodging them. After killing the terrorists and saving Liz, they realize that the bomb has already been moved. Agent Farris shows a seismograph to Cris hoping that he will see any tremors caused by explosions before they happen. Just then, he starts yelling that it is happening now, and in the distance, the bomb goes off, destroying everything around them.
Then we see Cris and Liz sleeping on a bed. Cris is reflecting that "every time you look into the future, it changes... because you looked at it." Because the nuclear weapon the terrorists had could hurt Liz, Cage has been able to see a day into the future, and is, as he lies there, exploring different possible courses of action, doing what, he reveals to Liz, is his duty that he has evaded for a long time, using his power to save people, now that he, having found Liz and love, has the courage to do so.
Cris Johnson : You've probably seen a lot of those shows - Mentalists, Magicians, Illusionists - and wondered if they're the real deal. Your skepticism tells you it's just an act. That way, you can sleep at night. You'd be shocked to know that sometimes, not often, but sometimes, it is the real deal, masquerading as an act, hiding behind a few 50-dollar tricks, hiding in plain sight. Because if the magician doesn't do that…the alternative is impossible to live with…"
Callie Ferris: Tell me what just happened. What did you see
Cris Johnson: If I do what you want, you'll keep me in this chair forever.
Liz: You can see things before they happen
Cris Johnson: Only my future... except with you. I saw far beyond anything I'd ever seen before. You need to get away from here.
Callie Ferris: I believe that the urgency of this situation compels the use of any and all resources to obtain Cris Johnson.
Cris Johnson: I've seen every possible ending. None of them are good for you.
Liz: I don't want you to die.
Cris Johnson: It happened. It just hasn't happened yet.