Navigation from the toolbar
- Select location bar: Ctrl+L or Alt+D
- Select search bar: Ctrl+K
- Back: Backspace or Alt+Left
- Forward: Alt+Right or Shift+Backspace
Searching pages
The find-as-you-type feature was an epiphany. While Google is great at getting you to the right web page, Firefox's find-as-you-type feature gets you the rest of the way.
- Find as you type text: /
- Find as you type link: '
- Regular old find: Ctrl+F
The link search is very useful, especially when used in conjunction with...
Opening pages
Unless you do all of your browsing in one page, these shortcuts are huge when you don't want to go running for your mouse.
- Open link in new window: Shift+Enter
- Open link in new tab: Ctrl+Enter
- Open address/search in new tab: Alt+Enter
Used together with their respective shortcuts (address and search bar shortcuts and the find-as-you-type link shortcut), the page opening shortcuts go a long way toward mouse-less browsing.
Grab bag
The following shortcuts fall into a more general grab bag of useful shortcuts.
- Caret browsing: F7
- Refresh: Ctrl+R or F5
- Refresh (override cache): Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+R
- Switch tabs: Ctrl+Tab
- Select tab (1-9): Ctrl+[1-9]
If you're looking to change your default mail program (e.g. to Gmail, etc.) to best utilize the Compose email shortcut, check out these tips for setting your default mail program.
Wweb writer