
Common Select usage:Where condation of datatime format for query rows

There are 8 different ways for select rows form table by filed formated as datatime

1. where date like '2005-01-%'
2. where DATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y-%m')='2005-01'
3. where EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM date)='200501'
4. where YEAR(date)='2005' and MONTH(date)='1'
5. where substring(date,1,7)='2005-01'
6. where date between '2005-01-01' and '2005-01-31'
7. where date >= '2005-01-01' and date <= '2005-01-31'
8. where date IN('2005-01-01', '2005-01-02', '2005-01-03', '2005-01-04', '2005-01-05', '2005-01-06', '2005-01-07', '2005-01-08', '2005-01-09', '2005-01-10', '2005-01-11', '2005-01-12', '2005-01-13', '2005-01-14', '2005-01-15', '2005-01-16', '2005-01-17', '2005-01-18', '2005-01-19', '2005-01-20', '2005-01-21', '2005-01-22', '2005-01-23', '2005-01-24', '2005-01-25', '2005-01-26', '2005-01-27', '2005-01-28', '2005-01-29', '2005-01-30', '2005-01-31')

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